Florida State University Seal



Submit Energy Savings Ideas


In an effort to continuously improve, we welcome energy saving ideas. Our goal is to harness the resources of students, faculty, and staff to assist in the search for better ways to use energy and water resources.

How Do I Submit an Idea?

The easiest way to submit an idea is by emailing Margaret Farrow, our Facilities Liaison Officer (FLO). Her email address is mfarrow@admin.fsu.edu. We are always exploring new ways to be better stewards of the resources we manage. When you submit an idea, please be as specific as possible. That allows us to better understand your idea and how you believe it will save energy or reduce the use of other resources.

Below are some points that you may want to address with your suggestion:

  • How will the idea save energy?
  • Are you aware of anywhere else the idea has been used?
  • Can the savings be measured?

Take a look at the other areas on our website for projects completed. It is possible that you can identify other areas on campus that could benefit from the same types of projects completed in other areas. Florida State University is a large campus. The more eyes and ears we have looking for energy conservation ideas, the better.