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Florida State University Energy Management


Energy is a major expense for Florida State University. We are striving to lower energy cost, which also reduces our carbon footprint. Visit our site and see what we are doing at Florida State University. Florida State University has a comprehensive energy conservation program that combines great projects and precise building schedules to deliver outstanding results. Energy usage per square foot (EUI) has been reduced over 20% since our baseline year of FY2017-18.

Click the link below for our Energy Program.
Florida State University Energy Conservation Program

Campus Energy Policy

The Florida State University energy conservation program has resulted in millions of dollars of energy savings since 1993. As with any program, we are always seeking new and innovative ways to further conserve energy.

The campus energy team works with University operational units to determine the best way to reduce energy in the space. Often savings can be reduced by equipment scheduling. Other times we can improve efficiency through a capital project. In all cases, our team works 24/7 to provide the campus with the needed space conditions while minimizing energy use.

Measure - Reduce - Verify Results

Reducing energy and resource usage is an ongoing process. Even though we are in a period where utility rates are stable, saving energy does save money. Over the past decade, Florida State University has followed the principle that to improve, we need to measure. The result has been reductions in our total usage per square foot of utilities. Click here to see what we measure.

Our energy approach is extremely simple. We want to achieve a 7 year or less payback on all energy projects. The calculation is also simple. We divide the estimated project cost by the estimated savings. Projects that meet the 7 year requirement are executed. Low ROI projects are bypassed in favor of better projects. By promoting projects with the best returns, we maximize energy savings and sustainability efforts.

Our project evaluation process follows a modified R&D Stage Gate* type of developmental process. A project passes through the following gates:

Ideation, Scoping, Feasibility, Design/Peer Review, Construction/Commissioning

A project can either be eliminated, approved, or sent back for additional review at any of the gates. Only the best projects make it to the active projects list. The goal is to focus our limited resources on the right projects that deliver the greatest return for Florida State University.

*The Stage Gate process was designed for new product development to assure that only the best products were launched. The actual Stage Gate process has gates that focus on the process development and commercialization phases that should occur prior to product launch.