Florida State University Seal



New Building/Property Record Information Form

Marked fields are required. *

Please complete this form to request a new building/property record.

Requestor Details

Requestor *


Email *

Phone # *

Building Information Details

Reason new record is required

Gross Square Footage of building (or leased space)

Is this a leased space? *

If leased, please provide the lease number *

Estimated completion date

(If purchased, date of delivery; if constructed, date of substantial completion; if acquired, date of closing; if leased, start of term)

Building Information Details

If location is unknown or has no address use closest known address to proposed location

Street Address *

Street Address 2 *

City *

State or Province *

Country *

Zip *

County *

Additional information about new building *

Additional Details

Ownership *

Funding type of primary occupants/user *

Use of Property *

Note: The building will not be entered into the space system of record until all required information is gathered.